Taking care of numero uno

1 Corinthians 6:19-20New Living Translation (NLT)

19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.


Yes, I hear crickets from the peanut gallery. Easier said than done, right! Thankfully for me, my college days of 4 hours of sleep, eating cheesesticks at midnight and binge drinking are behind me (I am saved, thankfully, by the grace of God. Never said I didn’t have a colorful past!).


Personally this is a hard verse to swallow. Unhealthful food just tastes good (can I get an Amen!).  As with most Americans, my New Year’s resolution is for overall improved health; whether that be through fitness, diet, or both. So far, I have stayed true to this resolution. Here are my personal observations thus far.


1. If I plan ahead, it’s much easier.

The night before, I mentally lay out the next day. Am I going to the gym early or late in the morning? Am I working in the morning or night? Do the kids have after school activities to work around? I try to squeeze in a protein smoothie for one of my 5 mini-meals (here’s my current favorite: ( http://www.itallstartedwithpaint.com/peanut-butter-banana-smoothie/ ). I’ve been pinnning on Pinterest, like it’s a full-time job, to find healthy snacks and low-carb meals. I’ve also vowed not to eat after 7pm. There have been some days when I have prepared 2 dinners in one day so that we will have a healthy dinner waiting for us on one of our super busy days. So far, this has been a good plan.


2. I have more free time!

By having my meals mentally planned out, I can spend the day not thinking about food!!! I just follow my plan and voila, I have more free time. I have been able to declutter my house this week, list a few things on Ebay and make some extra side cash. So far, this is a win-win plan!


3. Give yourself grace

I know that for me, the weekends will be the hardest. Everyone is home and let’s face it, we all need a break from routines. I have not been as rigid on my schedule during the weekends and you know what, that’s ok. I’ll give myself a little grace.


4. Exercise is empowering

I love to exercise (once I’m done with it!). Mentally getting myself to exercise is 3/4 of the battle. Once completed, I am so rejuvenated. Once again, when I plan my workouts ahead of time, I tend to follow through more consistently. On Sundays, I write out our family weekly schedule and post it on the door leading to the garage so everyone can see it. There is something about having a plan written on paper (and available for everyone to see!). If it’s written, chances are, I’ll do it!


At the end of the day, this body is not mine. It was given to me on loan by God and it’s my job to do the upkeep. Let your life, both spiritually and physically be an example for others and remember to liveHislove.


1 Corinthians 6:20

1 Corinthians 6:20







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